Room Design Gallery


2000 - Creation of the Casamance brand with the aim of offering professional interior decoration  fabric and wallpaper collections in an elegant, timeless style. 2012 - Launch of the first CASAMANCE wallcovering collection : Parallèle. A collection that blends the know-how of working with a laminated linen combined with an original colour scheme. 2015 - Casamance, 15 years of French elegance. Three showrooms opened in Paris, Brussels and London Cultural patronage between CASAMANCE and the Centre for National monuments for the Villa Cavrois. 2017 - Reorganization of our showroom in Paris – 13 rue du Mail, 75 002 Paris. Casamance dresses the artists of the Paris Opera (fabrics Gabrielle and Sateen). The 2017 collections are dedicated to those who dare and offer innovative fabrics, exclusive printing techniques, daring patterns in a unique color palette.

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